About the owners

Villa Roža - Dolinci, wheelchair accessible, Sv. Petar u Šumi, Istria - Croatia Sveti Petar u Šumi

We are Nataša and Damir, proud owners of the villa.

We keep this villa as our sacred little corner of the world - a spot for socializing, relaxation and finding peace. We are simply in love with the atmosphere and energy we feel when we are staying here.

The house is imbued with our professional and personal values

We are simply in love with the atmosphere and energy we feel when we are staying here. The picturesque environment of continental Istria, but also our dedication and determination to share our feels when we are here with everyone that visits the villa, certainly contributed to the atmosphere present. Open and friendly neighbors are definitely a plus too! Your stay at House Roža is sure to soothe a busy mind, cast your problems away and recharge your batteries, preparing you for the challenges ahead. Enjoy!

Damir is a rehabilitator with an intense sense of empathy and sensibility towards people with disabilities, fighting for equality and inclusion everyday. Therefore, to peak his fancy, the house is fully accommodated for people with a walking complication or wheelchair.

Nataša on the other hand, is a psychologist as well as an insensitively trained therapist who wished to make the house fit for professional events, mindfulness retreats and similar workshops, hence, the ground floor, terraces and the garden are extremely tranquil and their generous size allows for hangouts and workshops for up to 20 people, in addition to smaller groups around the property.